Saturday, July 14, 2007

All about Kaila

Kaila is going to be walking down the aisle with me and she will look so very pretty. After the ceremony Kaila is being baptised so that is very exciting - she is going to have the best God Parents in the world Sue H. and Paul Jones. To learn more about Rett Syndrome visit where Kaila has her own site (which I rarely update) and there is a site dedicated to Rett Syndrome

Kaila is very excited that Paul is becoming a permanent part of our life. You should see these two together. Kaila looks for Paul when she comes home and she often cuddles up next to him and falls asleep. Paul really cracks Kaila up and it is so fun to watch the two of them together.
Paul has brought so much happiness and laughter to our life and we are so lucky that we found one another.

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